A poster project to educate teenage girls in France about safe sex and AIDS prevention.
Commissioned by French non profit aides.org and TBWA Paris in 2008.
Multiple artists were commissioned to create based on the exact same comp provided by the client. The version by James Jean went into the final production.
I have added the extensive process and client feedback for this project. I believe it works as a good teaching/learning material for aspiring illustrators.
We, illustrators, for the most part, come up with our own ideas. However some projects, especially in advertising, we work as just a small part of the team to execute the concept clients already have in mind. Ten years after I am looking back, and I still think my first sketch (with the swirl and dynamic composition) is stronger than the final idea. You can see in the process from thereafter (the actual process was much more complicated, but some are shown here), that the actual process went through very specific-to-the-small-details art direction. Some projects works like this, and as a professional illustrators, when we say ‘yes’ to the project, our job is to aim to provide satisfactory final results to the clients.
Awards and recognition: Society of Illustrators 51 (2009)