Yuko Shimazu Yuko Shimazu Yuko Shimizu

Award winning Japanese illustrator based in New York City and instructor at School of Visual Arts.


+ 8 images added to ILLUSTRATION SECTION. I’m sorry again for a long delay. My new year’s resolution should be to update my site more often.. + 5 new shows are scheduled in the early part of 2008, one in Venice, Italy and 4 at the Society of Illustrators, New York City. Please check further details in SHOW SECTION.
Plan Advisor
+ Society of Illustrators Silver Medal in editorial category. Thank you judges, and thank you SooJin Buzelli and Maynard Kay of PLANADVISER Magazine!
M Style Magazine 1
M Style Magazine 2

+ New interview article in M.Style Magazine of Shanghai, China. Thank you Parii.

Hope you had a wonderful year. I just finished the last assignment of the year, worked worked and worked since I got back from Berlin.

I am taking a break with the usual suspects, off to an old perfume center of the world, sipping “real” cafe au lait… Have a wonderful new year and see you again in 2008.