Yuko Shimazu Yuko Shimazu Yuko Shimizu

Award winning Japanese illustrator based in New York City and instructor at School of Visual Arts.

New Book On Your Summer Reading List

Akutagawa Book
I just received a sample copy of Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s The Beautiful and The Grotesquein mail from publisher WW Norton. I have contributed to this book with wrap-around cover as well as six black and white interior drawings.Ryunosuke Akutagawa (1892-1927) was one of the most celebrated writers Japan has ever had. Many of you may know his work, Rashomon, through a world famous film by Akira Kurosawa. This book includes some of less known, but just as powerful, short stories by the author.The book is not out yet, but will be out sometime over the summer. Please add this to your summer reading list: ISBN 978-0-87140-192-2

One of the best things about working on this project (other than that I drew a cover for Akutagawa!) was that I was able to work with one of the most talented contemporary book designers: Rodrigo Corral, whom I have been a big fan of for a while. Also, big thank you to nice and sweet Albert Tang, my art director from WW Norton.

This cover has won Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators this year. For those who are interested, you can read more about it here.