Hello. I am writing this during my late lunch break (it is almost 3PM). I had a rush revision due at 3PM, and the revision was just sent to the client. Phew.
June marked 10 year anniversary since I got my very first illustration job. (thank you AD Minh Uong, then Village Voice, now New York Times). And to mark the anniversary, I got this awesome new site in July (thank you Sideways).
To mark my 10 year anniversary, the new site, and also the new blog, I decided to post something I usually never show anyone: my calendar. YES. I still use good old fashioned calendar. Nothing can beat this. No iCal for me.
Last day of July. This is everything I did this month. (Excuse some pixels, confidential projects going on right now.) I mark sketch deadlines in blue pen, and finals in red, cross them out as I go.
Revisions and rush jobs come in unexpectedly, and dead or finished jobs sometime also unexpectedly resurrect. Time and schedule management is part of freelancer’s job description. This ‘big calendar in front of my computer’ system really works out for me.
August comes, and art school students are starting to be in ‘back to school’ mindset, and I thought it is a fun backstage thing for them to see.