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Who are your favorite artists/illustrators and what are your biggest inspirations?
When I get asked about favorite artists, I usually answer “too many to name”, which is really true.
I have lived long enough therefore I have made a long enough list of artists I love, for many different reasons. I have had a lot of artists who had influenced my work over the years, at the same time, most of those who I have admired, copied, and have helped build and shape my work, I have grown out of them and their work don’t really mean much to who I am now.
One time recently I was playing this game with artist friends, and one said “name your favorite artist without thinking at all, and you have to name one quickly”, My answer was Alexander Rodchenko. I think this answer is pretty accurate, although, I have many MANY other artists who I am crazy about.
I don’t have (a) favorite illustrator(s). It is totally fine to have favorite illustrators when you are still students, and get influenced by them. But becoming a working professional in the field means that you become peers with all the people you were a fan of, and that your work should stop looking like your peers’.
Never aim to be the second best.
I love many of my friends’/peers’ works for various different reasons, but I am no longer a fan.
My biggest inspirations are everything I experience in my life. I used to work in PR, and wrote many interview articles over the years. That made me realize how each individual sees the world so differently from another. It was fascinating.
I am still very much interested in various people’s experiences. I don’t have TV, but I listen to WNYC all day long as I work. There are many eye-opening moments. I especially love listening to interviews, and I often take subway down to WNYC studio for live audience recordings.
I love traveling to places I have never been, so I try to take every opportunity when I get invited to speak at schools or judge competitions.
I intentionally try to collect information and inspirations from things outside of what I do for living, hoping that would make my drawings richer, even just a bit.
Also check out my blog about my 15 influences